Soft Dog Treats for Older Dogs

Soft Dog Treats for Older Dogs

Sometimes old dogs can’t chomp a treat like they used to. Learn about soft dog treats for senior dogs and shop all Pup-Peroni® flavors today.

You and your dog have been besties for a long time – maybe from the time he was a puppy. Your years spent together have been filled with great walks, games of fetch and, most importantly, tasty treats!

As your dog heads into his golden years, you may be thinking about switching out his current treats for something more senior-appropriate. Read on to learn about how dogs age and the importance of soft dog treats for older dogs. We’ll give plenty of recommendations for them to relish, too!

How Dogs Age

As a dog bestie, you’ve probably heard that one dog year is equal to seven human years. However, this isn’t exactly true. The rate at which your dog ages depends a lot on his breed, with smaller breeds usually aging more slowly than larger ones. How your dog ages also depends on if he has special needs, how often he sees a vet, housing, lifestyle and the quality of his diet, among plenty of other factors.

Dogs experience a lot of the same symptoms of aging as humans. Age 7 and up is typically when a dog is considered a senior citizen. Aside from the beginnings of a gray beard, you might notice these changes in your canine companion:

  • Lower activity levels
  • Weight gain, despite lower food intake
  • Changes in hearing or vision
  • Increased disorientation
  • Changing sleep patterns

Many of these signs of aging are caused by the changes happening inside your dog’s body. Talking with your vet will give you a better idea of how your bestie is aging, and how you can help give him the gold standard of care during his golden years. One simple change that could have big benefits? Finding some tasty senior dog treats.

older golden retriever

How Senior Dog Treats Can Help

As dogs get older, their nutritional needs start to change. Older dogs generally aren’t as active as they were in their youth, meaning they don’t burn as many calories. To account for this change, it’s a great idea to talk with your vet about treat options with fewer calories and less fat.

For all dogs, but especially seniors, treats should only account for 10% of their diet. You should also be sure to reduce how much you give your buddy for his main meal of the day after treating to prevent excess caloric intake. Too many calories could cause your dog to pack on some extra pounds, which could lead to or worsen conditions like arthritis. Pick out smaller treats for your dog or treats that can be broken into smaller pieces. That way you can treat your dog throughout the day without overdoing it.

Aside from weight issues, senior dogs can also develop all sorts of oral troubles. His once pearly whites might not be so pearly anymore, which can be a sign of dental problems – and it’s a pretty surefire indicator of stinky breath.

To ensure your dog’s chompers get a good cleaning, ensure you brush his teeth daily from puppyhood. Consider giving him crunchy treats and hard food at an early age. Along with regular brushing, both can help break up plaque and tartar. Long-lasting chew treats are even more thorough at cleaning, and many will include ingredients like mint and fruit flavors to freshen up their breath.

As dogs age and as their dental disease progresses, teeth become looser and can cause pain or experience fractures. The only problem with certain senior dog treats is that they might be too hard for your dog to handle. The solution? Chewy, soft treats!

soft treats for older dogs

Soft Dog Treats for Senior Dogs

Senior dogs can experience all sorts of oral complications beyond yellow teeth and stinky breath. Sometimes, dogs wind up losing their teeth, developing sensitive gums or both, making it hard to chew the crunchy treats and kibbles they used to happily wolf down. Other times, their jaws simply get weaker.

Having regular dental checkups with a vet is an awesome preventative measure to take throughout your dog’s life. Even if he’s already older, letting a vet take a look at his teeth and gums can help prevent any issues from worsening – and help prevent any new ones from starting.

Due to oral complications, your dog might not be enjoying his usual treats as much. Or, just like we humans can get burnt out on our favorite potato chips, your dog might just be tired of the same old thing. If either of these appear to be true, it’s time to consider soft treats. Thanks to their chewier texture, soft treats tend to be easier for older dogs to enjoy. Plus, even if they aren’t interested in learning new tricks, new treats are always welcome!

The Best Soft Dog Treats for Older Dogs

Do you know which treats are easy to chew and have an irresistible aroma to match their big, meaty flavor? Pup-Peroni® treats, of course! Their chewy texture makes them great soft treats for dogs with no teeth, sensitive gums, or weak jaws. They can also easily be broken into smaller pieces for treating throughout the day without adding too many extra calories. And that mouthwatering fragrance is sure to get even the choosiest seniors drooling. Many flavors are also made with real beef as the #1 ingredient.

If you’re looking for grain-free treats for your senior dog, we have good news! Pup-Peroni® With Real Sausage and With Real Beef Brisket flavors are made with no added grains, fillers, or artificial flavors – just pure beefy goodness.

There are all sorts of other delicious Pup-Peroni® flavors you can use to maintain bestie status with your dog – and there are even more reasons to treat him! Here are some situations when a Pup-Peroni® dog snack could earn you extra brownie points.

After the Groomer

Diminishing coat quality is another sign of aging in dogs, and it can happen even if they have a proper diet recommended by a vet. Skin and coat supplements can help this issue, and so can getting them to the groomer every now and again. However, just like vet visits, some dogs like the groomer’s and others don’t. No matter your dog’s feelings, if he was a good boy during his bath and haircut, he deserves a Pup-Peroni® treat!

After a Fun Day Out

Keeping your dog fit and strong can be challenging as he gets older, especially if he has problems with arthritis. Suddenly, long walks and games of fetch aren’t as rewarding. Talk with your vet about ways to reduce arthritis pain and inflammation. Then, create a regular activity schedule to keep your dog moving, since extra weight will only make his arthritis worse. Even if the walks aren’t as challenging or you don’t play as long, any exercise he gets will still be helpful. Give him a Pup-Peroni® treat afterward – it’s like a high-five for his taste buds!

Just Because

Sometimes you gotta give your dog a treat just because as a positive reinforcement. Maybe it’s because he didn’t go nuts when the mailman came by (for once). Or maybe it’s because the neighbor lady is threatening your bestie status by sneaking your dog a treat whenever you let him out to do his business. No matter the reason, treating your dog to soft, chewy Pup-Peroni® is a surefire way to be your dog’s best friend.

Pick up your dog’s favorite flavor of Pup-Peroni® treats to defend your best friend status and help ensure that your old buddy can always enjoy his treat to the fullest.

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